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Michael Hantke Domas, PhD

I am a specialist in Environmental and Natural Resources Law, particularly Water Law. This experience is the result of more than 25 years, both in Chile and abroad, as a Justice, lawyer, consultant, academic, national and international public servant.

I recently served as Justice of the Third Environmental Court (Valdivia, Chile), since its creation in 2013 and until September 2019 (end of the legal period of my appointment). During this period, I was the first Chief Justice of the Court, and I led its installation.

Previously, I worked as a lawyer at the Puga Ortiz law firm, in Santiago. Until May 2010 I worked as an international civil servant (Economic Affairs Officer in natural resources) at the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean ( ECLAC ).

I was a legal advisor to the Under-secretariat of Public Works, and the Superintendency of Sanitary Services, in Chile. Also, I was a senior lawyer at the Álvarez, Hinzpeter, Jana y Valle law firm (today, Bofill Mir & Álvarez Jana), in Santiago de Chile.

In academic terms, I have been linked to different universities (in Chile and abroad) for more than 25 years. Currently I am a professor of Water Law, Argumentation and Debate, and Introduction to Law, at the San Sebastián University (Valdivia); permanent visiting professor of the Master of Law of the Catholic University of Temuco ; and Honorary Associate of the Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science , University of Dundee (Scotland, UK); after having been simultaneously, and for two years, a full-time lecturer and Director of the Transnational Water Law Program, in the latter Centre.


I am constantly invited to give talks and conferences at various universities and Institutions, such as:

  • Sorbonne University (Paris),

  • University College London,

  • Strathclyde University (Glasgow),

  • University extership of Colombia,

  • Rosario University (Bogotá),

  • Northcap University (New Delhi, India),

  • Chandigarth University (Punjab, India),

  • Buenos Aires' University,

  • University of Chile,

  • Northern Catholic University,

  • Inter-American Development Bank (Washington),

  • World Water Forum,

  • IUCN International Academy of Environmental Law,

  • Supreme Court of the United Kingdom,

  • Supreme Court of Mexico,

  • National Congress of Colombia,

  • National Congress of Guatemala, among others.

At an international level, I have been a consultant for:

  • United Nations Environment Program (UNEP),

  • United Nations Development Program (UNDP),

  • United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD),

  • ECLAC,

  • The Nature Conservancy,

  • World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), among others.



Norwich, England

PhD (doctorate) - 2006


Santiago, Chile

Bachelor of Legal Sciences (LLB) - 1997


Lawyer title, issued by the Hon. Supreme Court .

Santiago, Chile




  • Fluent Spanish.

  • Fluent English..

  • Basic Portuguese.

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