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October 14 to 16, 2020

XXII International Conference in  Environmental Law

Organized by the Externado University of Colombia, I will give a talk on environmental courts and participate in a debate with Mr. Ricardo Lorenzetti, Minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of Argentina, Mr. Antonio Herman Benjamin, Minister of the Supreme Court of Brazil , and Ms. Claudia de Windt, CEO of the Inter-American Institute on Justice and Sustainability (USA).


"Judges as guardians of water resources: the Brasilia Declaration of the Judges on Water Justice"

Webinar organized by the World Commission on Environmental Law.

Moderator: Mr. Stefano Burchi, Director, WCEL Specialist Group on Water and Wetlands.


- Mr. Brian J. Preston, Presiding Judge, Court of Lands and Environment, New South Wales (Australia).
- Mr. Oscar Angote, Minister, Court of Lands and Environment (Machakos, Kenya).
- Mrs. María del Pilar García, Director of the Department of Environmental Law, Universidad Externado de Colombia.
- Mr. Michael Hantke Domas, Former Minister, Third Environmental Court (Valdivia, Chile).

August 18, 2021

Seminar Cycle: Constitution and Sustainable Development Goals.
Session 1: Water Constitution and SDG 6

Organized by the Andrés Bello University, I will share with Francisca Tondreau (TNC Chile) and Sofía Mordojovich (WSP Consulting Chile).

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